Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

It is not a hidden fact that Reaver is a rather skilled thief. Reaver herself would tell you that from a young age into her first years of adulthood she was a thief living in the streets of Kugane. As a thief she stole food and gil to help her family which consisted of: Three brothers, four sisters, a father and mother. Most of her siblings had been too young to work or take the risk of criminal activity. The adults of Reaver's family usually had one of two options: Become a thief or prostitute as her clan had the stigma of being known as dangerous criminals so no respectable business would hire them.Reaver did hone her stealth, speed, and slight of hand through a number of years in practice but this thief even with her skill ended up caught from bad luck. A merchant caught her stealing a loaf of bread, called for help and resulted in Reaver having a faithful encounter with a group of heroes.She did what she could to escape, but in the end was outclassed by a skilled dragoon who caught up to the thief and knocked her out with a single attack. Upon awakening Reaver was tied up with a choice given: Be turned in for her crimes or work with the adventurers as their rogue to help scout for traps and gather information. Feeling there was no other choice Reaver accepted this agreement.

Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

Reaver was pulled into a group of heroes for skills at stealth, slight of hand, and lock picking but was not skilled as a combative at all. In her early days traveling with adventurers she had a share tongue and general hatred for the party forcing this life on her. There was a number of times Reaver attempted to escape the party as they made camp to sleep but every attempt lead to the same result: One of the party would overwhelm her with their combative abilities, drag her back over, Reaver would fuss, but eventally fall asleep like the rest of the group.At first Reaver begrugingly did what the party asked but soon found one fact that changed her perception of the group: The group knew Reaver's family and used their connections to help them. Her family back in Kugane now had jobs, gil, a home, and their needs met. Reaver became grateful to the adventurers for taking their family off the streets soon becoming more than happy to help these heroes any way she could. She began to realize these people only sought to offer a chance to better her life.She soon began to see the party as family, friends, and even among the group found love. In their travels they even gave Reaver a job crystal they discovered: A red mage job crystal as a means she could in time learn to defend herself with, even if it would take some time for Reaver to obtain the knowlege and skill needed to properly use the job crystal.

Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

Life for a time seemed perfect for Reaver. She was part of a group of adventurers that helped handle bandits, monsters, at times was Reaver was directly contracted by nobles of kugane to gather information on individuals that could be seen as a threat to Kugane.At this point Reaver could even be let out of the adventurer's sight to visit family as desired to see their lives was happy and willingly returned to them. She was happy with this life of an adventurer. She even spent countless hours aiming to hone her ability at swordsmanship and study aether hoping to one day use the soul crystal given to her to better help the adventurers she traveled with.This life also came to an end. One of the adventurers turned against her party and sold them to slave traders. All the traitor needed to do was lead the group to a location, set up camp, and signal the traders to ambush the party during the traitor's night shift. In return the traitor would have a fortune in gil. This plan worked. Every one of the party other than the traitor was locked in shackles, thrown in cages, and disarmed with the intent to be sold off or executed.At the time the party did not know which among their group betrayed them. However, most of the adventurers believed Reaver, the outlaw who began as intensely hostile that even threatened them in their early days was the betrayer.Reaver intended to save the entire party of adventurers with her lockpicking ability, but by the time that she had a chance to pick the lock of her own cage the rest of the adventurers had been taken off elsewhere to an unknown location.Reaver was free but alone once more. This time Reaver had a goal: To kill the traitor prove her innocence and save the party. This choice would leave Reaver to evolve from a simple thief and rogue to a Reaver.

Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

Reaver before a certain time hadn't gone by the name Reaver. Even in her thief days she would be called as: Veldran-chan, Miss Veldran, Vel, or simply Rogue depending on your ties to her.Our Reaver became Reaver when she was overcome with the desire for revenge and how far she was willing to go. She pulled from her resources to obtain a ship and people to man the ship. She even managed to become a skilled red mage now not as a means to protect but with her obsession to destroy her target.She became a remorseless pirate in her quest for revenge. She burned homes, became a frightening torturer to pry information out of any person who may have a lead to her target. Her pirate crew even feared her as the single sign of possible betrayal would result in Reaver capturing, torturing, and potentally murdering the person.Reaver had become a villain in her quest for revenge and a frightening one at that. She vowed nothing would stop her. She dropped all notion of right and wrong. She no longer cared about anything but her obsession even if she destroyed families and pushed others away from her. She was no longer Miss Veldran. They called her not just a reaver a title among pirates, but the Reaver, a title that was given to her because she lost who she was and the monster she became.It is said that Reaver eventually tracked down the traitor's home and went in alone. She has never revealed what took place in this encounter. But, the house had been up in flames when Reaver left. Reaver's own state was covered in blood, a lot of it of her own as she had several slashes over her.Reaver did not accept proper treatment and allowed her body to heal up in countless scars over her body. From this point Reaver no longer would show proper emotions other than pretending to feel something or a flicker of an emotion she would quickly cover up.With time Reaver opened a tavern, sold food, items, and services without caring if the patreons are heroic or villains. She considered herself retired as a pirate and adventurer but kept her pirate crew employed. While Reaver may be jaded, stoic, and seems reletively emotionless, a few things to note seems to have changed over time. She holds firm to the notion that loyalty to ones own is the greatest trait, and began treating those working under her better. It is even possible Reaver may be starting to find some happiness in her new life even with the pain and regrets of the past still lingering.

Kameria Veldran
Alias: Reaver

How you know her if you are:


-You've heard of a reformed pirate that settled down into a quiet life.-You've seen this woman in her travels and something she did caught your attention. She could have attacked someone who assaulted you or others and left without a word.-You could have heard rumor that a surviving member of a group of heroes that went missing ten years ago has appeared opening her own tavern.


-You could have bumped into her in the streets. Perhaps her appearance, attitude, or something about her caught your interest.-You could have seen a flyer of her tavern somewhere around.-A sellsword may have seen through the grapevine Reaver is hiring mercenaries to handle jobs.-As someone with some connections you may even know Reaver leads sellswords that jobs for the right price.


-You know Reaver as a bloodthirsty being who is capable of torture, blackmail, and slaughter. As such you know not to cross Reaver better then anyone else, as an evil character is most likely to earn Reaver's wrath by harming someone under Reaver's protection.-Slave Traders would know and fear Reaver. They know of the thief who escaped long ago that lead a crusade resulting in several slave trade cartels being left nothing but ash. A slave trader may even know Reaver as the reason not to risk a hero's escape from their clutches. A slave trader would mind their words, as your kind was Reaver's favorite prey in her quest for revenge.